I Help Children Rediscover The Magic Of Writing! Online English Tuition Specialising In Supporting Creative Writing

I help your child become a stronger writer, reader and speaker. Results in 4 weeks

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It's Time To Write Like A Ninja


Enriching Wider Reading

Specialist In Teaching Writing Skills And Mastering Text Genres

High Quality Online & Self Study Videos

Hi, I'm Cassie 👋🏽

This short video explains what we do and how we work.

Helping students from all skill levels

These students have grown their skills by taking my courses or working 1-2-1 with me. Here are just a few of their stories.

Not given the interview process much consideration

Both my children were preparing for entrance school exams for year 7 and year 9, but we hadn’t given the interview process much consideration. I came across Cassie on Instagram and found her interview prep service was exactly what we needed! We found Cassie to be extremely personable, knowledgeable, and incredibly engaging which is no mean feat when teaching to a child online.

Louise Demetriou

She's got your child's best interest at heart

Cassie is a fantastic English tutor. My son attended her half term boot camp in October and he found it to be informative and enjoyable. From chats I've had with Cassie, you could really tell that she's got your child's best interest at heart. She is a kind and passionate tutor and 100% committed to help her students in any way she can. If you're looking for a very good English tutor, then look no further. Thank you Cassie for all your help so far. I hope to see you again in the near future!


My first language is not English

Cassie has been extremely helpful in guiding me through my English journey every step of the way. When I first joined in year 7 I knew little English (as my first language is not English) but after starting tuition with Cassie, my English has progressed rapidly. At the start, Cassie improved my vocabulary by providing interesting and engaging reading and comprehension exercises as well as fun card games that involved guessing the meaning of sophisticated and ambitious vocabulary by using other cards in the game.


Cassies experience has been really valuable

Compared to all the other subjects I was studying, English was considerably harder. Coming from another country, it was a challenge to properly grasp the style to answer GCSE exam responses and to produce work in order to reach my target grade. Cassie made the shift significantly easier. Her teaching got me to understand English Literature in more depth compared to the teachers at my secondary school. Her extensive knowledge of the subject and experience has been really valuable and without her help I would not have been able to fully reach my target grades!

Selvio Pereira

Cassie is always prepared to go the extra mile for her students

Both of my daughters have worked with Cassie at Hampton English Coaching and I would thoroughly recommend her. Cassie is always prepared to go the extra mile for her students, and she is the ultimate professional. Cassie understands her student's needs and works with them to achieve their goals. If you are looking for a tutor I would look no further.

P&C Rogers

She was so patient and supportive

My son attended Cassie's creative writing boot camp just 2 weeks ago before he took a very competitive secondary school entrance exam. The 3-day intensive session greatly helped my son to pass his writing exam. It was very well structured with lots of useful tips to improve in the short term and fundamental skills to target to in the long term. I especially like the video replay after each day's session. It was handy for parents who wants to get invovled in their child's work. Cassie also helped my son to prepare his interview with lots of useful suggestions. She was so patient and supportive. I would highly recommend Cassie if you are looking for an English tutor.

JY Shen

Prepared him for the 11+ private school and Grammar schools under a year

Cassie has tutored my Year 6 son and prepared him for the 11+ private school and Grammar schools under a year. I am so pleased that he received 2 interviews from Latymer and Hampton Boys School and passed Berkshire and Tiffin Boys' School. Cassie is a brilliant, experienced and inspirational tutor. She is very patient and gave very clear concise information to my son, for him to develop his skill. She prepared my son extremely well for his exams. She understood my son's strengths and weakness and 'bespoked' her tutoring accordingly .

Ranju Ghai


Hi, I'm Cassie.
I love to inspire the most resistant students to not only love but truly understand the English Language

I specialise in helping 10+ and 11+ students master their creative writing, vocabulary breadth and grammar.

With my master's degree in Shakespeare, there's nothing I love more than enabling younger students to enjoy and understand this talented playwright before the start of their GCSE journey.


Juxtaposition is when writers place two elements next to each other, to either link or contrast.

Good or bad? Sunny or dark? Outdoors or indoors? Hero or villain? Literature is packed with juxtapositions. This type of juxtaposition is the placing of two elements side by side to create a contrast. You can do very well in literary analysis by commenting on contrast compositions. Poetry and stories are full of them! The writer might juxtapose a confident character with a shy one. In settings, they might juxtapose an unpleasant hot stuffy classroom with a fresh and temptingly open football field. Most of the time, juxtapositions work in literature to create thought-provoking or dramatic contrasts in language, characters, settings or even actions.

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