They say that heaven is in the details, so, whether you want to focus on descriptive details and need some high-resolution images to inspire you or whether you are looking for objects to weave into stories as plot twists, this varied collection will surely give your writing more shine. Each image can be used for several fiction genres too.
Writing timed descriptions or stories inspired by these sumptuous images encourages writers to expand their ideas with those elusive details examiners love to see - and reward. They encourage students to use language that will give descriptions more depth or stories more subtlety.
Become a more experienced, confident and polished writer with a wider expressive range. Sharpen those descriptive skills on an array of sample image prompts. For story writing, you'll become more mindful of interesting objects that give tales deeper themes, symbolism and plot twists.
Images That Ignite Your Imagination And Fuel Creative Responses
This pack contains 25 high-resolution quality images of various objects that can be used in two ways: as either practice descriptive or story tasks, giving students up to 50 writing opportunities! Also included are useful guidance notes for how the two writing tasks differ and how to tackle each. Choose one image at a time to plan either a detailed descriptive response that zooms in on 4 - 5 sections of the image and describing each in turn...or weave the object into a story plan, perhaps introducing it early on and returning to it in the final stages, to create a powerful plot twist or to enrich a theme. The images work especially well in fantasy-themed or action-themed tasks. If the whole pack is tackled, students will benefit from a highly original and eclectic range of interesting writing to draw from going forwards. They will feel far happier describing unusual objects because they will have gained invaluable - and adaptable - preparatory writing experience here. From mysterious boxes to glinting golden books, regal rings and shimmering time machines, this pack is bound to inspire.

Meet Cassie: Your Child's Writing Mentor
Hi, I'm Cassie! I have set and marked a kaleidoscope of timed and coursework creative writing scripts for over 24 years, from entrance exam scripts to GCSE and A-level English papers. I always loved the freshness of entrance exam stories or descriptions. Those younger students who face 10+ or 11+ entrance exams are understandably nervous and GCSE Language tasks are similarly scary for so many. Can they plan it properly? Or write enough? Be sufficiently clear? Then there's the 'being creative' dilemma... as if they hadn't already got enough to worry about! Grammar can be mastered and suitable vocabulary can be acquired but HOW does a reluctant student writer overcome a total writer's block? Are there tactics we can employ to reduce the chances of it happening? And how does an able student writer gain academic enrichment and extra challenge? Answer for all: by working through a rich range of image prompts! One of the twenty-five must surely inspire a reluctant writer and avid writers love the eclectic and varied nature of the prompt packs. Real progress, confidence and enjoyment will soon follow. I am releasing new themed packs over the year. Just join my mailing list to stay posted. Most 'double up' as both descriptive tasks or story prompts. I think it's best to let them choose; they are the creators who have to write well on the exam day. I have based my selections on years of experience with a diverse range of students. I know which prompts 'did the job' and triggered the best responses. I then painstakingly created the illustrations and packs myself (it took a while!) to ensure that my students get the most pinpointed and interesting exam preparation materials possible. What will YOUR child create today?
This magical collection of images and supporting notes helps your child create beautiful written responses of their own
Banish writer's block by treating your child to a lavish collection of interesting pictures of decorative or magical objects. Ideal for visual learners, this resource shows students that writing can be fun! So many amazing ideas can be generated from these stimulus materials. Challenge them to adapt each picture by writing style or fiction genre. Heaven is in those written details!